(Listed Chronologically)
Proekty postanovki sotsial’nogo obespecheniia trudiashchikhsia (Plans for the setting up of social security for workers). [Petrograd], 1918–19.
Ed. with V. I. Kamenskii. Al’bomy chertezhei gospital’noikontorskoi mebeli i proektov zdanii uchrezhdenii Tsentrosobesa (Albums of sketches of hospital, office furniture and plans of buildings for the establishment of the Central Social Security Department), Part 1 (Sketches of hospital, office furniture and equipment). Petrograd, Narodnyi Komissariat Truda (People’s Commissariat of Labor), 1919.
Po puti k svetlym daliam kommunizma (On the way to the brilliant works of communism). Petrograd, Narodnyi Komissariat Truda (People’s Commissariat of Labor), 1919.
Rukovodstvo po sostavleniiu otchetov mestnykh sobesov (Guidance in drawing up accounts for local social security agencies). Moscow, Nar odnyi Komissariat Truda (People’s Commissariat of Labor), 1919.
Organizatsiia sotsial’noi vzaimopomoshchi v derevne (The organization of social mutual aid in the village). Moscow, Narodnyi Komissariat Sotsial’nego (People’s Commissariat of Social Security). 1921.
“Bor’ba za novyi byt i sovetskii urbanizm” (“The struggle for a new mode of life and Soviet urbanism”), in B. Lunin, ed., Socialist cities …, 1930 [see], pp. 116–119.
Problema stroitel’stva sotsialisticheskikh gorodov: Osnovnye voprosy ratsional’noi planirovki i stroitel’stva naselennykh mest USSR (The problem of building socialist cities: Basic questions regarding the rational planning and building of settlements in the USSR; “Sotsgorod”). Moscow and Leningrad, State Publishing House, 1930.
“A new organization of life,” “V.O.K.S.” (Magazine of the Soviet Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries), Moscow, II, 1930, No. 1, pp. 29–31. Brief translation of Chap. 6 of the preceding book.
“Osnovnye voprosy: zhilishchno-bytovogo stroitel’stva SSSR” (Basic questions: the construction of residential living in the SSSR”). Sovetskaia Arkhitektura, I, No. 1–2, Jan.-Apr. 1931, pp. 2–4.
“Zapiski o Leonidovshchine” (“Notes on Leonidovism”). Ibid., p. 102.
“Proekt kurortnoi stolovoi klub” (“Project for a resort dining club”). Ibid., II, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1932, pp. 53–57.
“Vazhneishie zadachi sovremennogo etapa Sovetskoi arkhitektury.” (“Major problems of the present period of Soviet architecture”). Ibid. No. 2–3, Mar.-June 1932, pp. 3–9.
“K novomu zakonu o stroitel’stve naselennykh mest” (“Toward a new law on the construction of populated settlements”). Ibid., No. 4, July-Aug. 1932, pp. 3–4.
[Address at the opening of an exhibition of German architecture], (text in Russian and German). Ibid., No. 5–6, Sept.-Dee. 1932, pp. 17–18.
“lasli” (“Nurseries”). Ibid., pp. 81–102.
“Osnovnye voprosy teorii Sovetskoi arkhitektury” (“Basic questions on a theory of Soviet architecture”). Ibid., III, 1933, No. 2, Mar.-Apr., pp. 6–12: No. 3, May-June, pp. 1–16; No. 5, Sept.-Oct., pp. 17–21; No. 6, Nov.-Dec., pp. 2–11.
“Konstruktivizm i funktsionalizm: K kharakteristike arkhitekturnykh techenii XX veka” (“Constructivism and functionalism: Concerning the characteristics of architectural tendencies of the twentieth century”). Arkhitektura SSSR, 1935, No. 8, pp. 5–10.
Comments in Arkhitektura Dvortsa Sovetov: Materialy V Plenum Pravleniia Soiuza Sovetskikh Arkhitektorov, SSSR, 1–4 iiulia 1939 goda (Architecture of the Palace of the Soviets: Contributions of the 5th Plenum of the Board of the Union of Soviet Architecture, 1–4 July 1939), Moscow, Publishing House of the Academy of Architecture, USSR, 1939, pp. 43–44.
(Further specific references are to be found in the Notes)
Afanas’ev, K. N., and V. E. Khazanova. Iz Istorii Sovetskoi Arkhitektury: 1917–1925 (From the History of Soviet Architecture: 1917–1925). Moscow, Academy of Sciences, 1963. A continuation volume for 1926–1932 was published in 1970. See Introduction, note 8.
Arkhitektura. Journal issued by the Moscow Society of Architects (MAO). Two issues only (1923). See Introduction, note 29.
Arkhitektura SSSR. Journal issued by the Union of Soviet Architects. K. Alabian, ed., 1933–36. It is still published.
Blumenfeld, Hans. “Regional and City Planning in the Soviet Union.” Task (Cambridge, Mass.), No. 3, Oct. 1942.
Bol’shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia (The Larger Soviet Encyclopedia). 65 vols. Moscow, State Publishing House, 1926–47; 2nd ed., 51 vols., 1950–58.
Bourke-White, Margaret. Eyes on Russia (with a preface by Maurice Hindus). NYC, Simon and Schuster, 1931.
Bylinkin et al. Istoriia Sovetskoi Arkhitektury: 1917–1958 (History of Soviet Architecture: 1917–1958). Moscow, State Publishing House of Literature on Construction, Architecture, and Construction Materials, 1962.
Ceccarelli, Paolo, ed. La costruzione della città sovietica 1929–31 (Quaderni di architettura e urbanistica, collana Polis No. 8). Padua, Marsilio Editori, 1970. [Spanish edition: La construcción de la ciudad soviética (Colección ciencia urbanistica, No. 9), Barcelona, Editorial Gili, 1972.] Among documents included are most of Miliutin’s Chaps. 5, 13, and 14; Ginzburg’s and Barshch’s “Green City”; a piece by Sabsovich; and the resolution of the 1930 Bolshevik Party Congress. See Introduction, note 1.
Chernikhov, Iakov. Arkhitekturnye Fantazii (Architectural Fantasies). Leningrad, International Books, 1933.
——Bazy sovremennoi arkhitektury (Bases of contemporary architecture). Leningrad, Leningrad Society of Architects, 1930.
Collins, George R. “Linear Planning throughout the World.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XVIII, Oct. 1959, pp. 74–93.
——“Linear Planning.” Forum (Amsterdam), XX, No. 5, Mar. 1968, entire issue.
——“A Bibliography of Linear Planning.” Newsletter of the Urban History Croup (Milwaukee, Wis.), No. 29, Apr. 1970, pp. 2–12.
——and Christiane Crasemann Collins. Camillo Sitte and the Birth of Modern City Planning. NYC, Random House, 1965.
Conrads, Ulrich, and Hans G. Sperlich. The Architecture of Fantasy. Edited, translated, and expanded by Christiane Crasemann Collins and George R. Collins. NYC, Praeger, 1962.
Drabkin, A. D. “American Architects and Engineers in Russia.” Pencil Points, XI, June 1930, pp. 435–440.
Fariello, Francesco. “L’urbanistica e l’abitazione in Russia.” Architettura, XV, Sept. 1936, pp. 441–460.
Frampton, Kenneth. “Notes on Soviet Urbanism, 1917–32.” Architects’ Year Book, XII, 1968, pp. 238–252.
Ginzburg, Moisei Iakovlevich. (The following list is only a small selection of his writings.)
——Ritm v Arkhitekture (Rhythm in Architecture). Moscow, “Sredi Kollektsionerov” (“Among the Collectivists”), 1923. See Introduction, note 29.
——Stil’ i Epokha (Style and Epoch). Moscow, State Publishing House, 1924.
——“Mezhdunarodnyi front sovremennoi arkhitektury” (The international front of contemporary architecture”). Sovremennaia Arkhitektura (SA), I, 1926, No. 2, pp. 41–46.
——“Itogi i Perspektivy” (“Results and Perspectives”). SA, II, 1927, No. 3–4, pp. 112–118.
——“O Leonidovshchine” (“Concerning Leonidovism”). SA, II, 1927, No. 4, p. 116.
——“Zeitgenössische Architektur in Russland.” Die Baugilde (Berlin), Oct. 1928, pp. 1370, 1372. Reprinted in El Lissitzky, Russia, pp. 155–159.
——“Zelenyi Gorod” (“The Green City”). SA, V, No. 1–2 (1930), pp. 23–27.
——“Perepiska s Lekorbuz’e” (“Correspondence with Le Corbusier”). Ibid., p. 61.
——Zhilishche (Housing). Moscow, Gosstroiizdat, 1934.
——“Tvorcheskie Otcheti” (“Creative Reports”). Arkhitektura SSSR, No. 5, 1935, pp. 6ff.
——“Mass Production Housing Proposals in the USSR.” Translated from the Russian by W. G. Cass, Architectural Association Journal, LIX, No. 6, Nov.-Dee. 1944, pp. 114–116.
Gornyi, S. See Svetlov, F. and Introduction, notes 65, 68.
Grabar’, I. E., ed. Istoriia Russkogo Iskusstva (History of Russian Art). 13 vols. Moscow, Academy of Sciences, Vol. XI, 1957. See Introduction, note 6.
Gray, Camilla. The Great Experiment: Russian Art, 1917–1922. London, Thames and Hudson, 1962. Reissued in small format, NYC, Abrams, 1970.
Hamilton, George Heard. Art and Architecture of Russia. Baltimore, Pelican Books, 1954.
Hruska, Emmanuel. Rasvitie Gradostroitei’stva (The Development of City Building). Russian translation of a Czechoslovakian text by Ladislav Gornish and wife. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Academy of Sciences, 1963. See Introduction, note 6.
II’in, M. “Modern architecture in the Soviet Union.” “V.O.K.S.”, I, No. 8–10, Aug.-Oct. 1930, pp. 51–55.
II’in, Mikhail Andreevich. Moskva (Moscow). Moscow, “Iskusstvo” (“Art”), 1963.
——Vesniny (The Vesnins). Moscow, Academy of Sciences, 1960.
II’in, M. (pseud, for II’in lakolovich Marshak). Rasskaz o Velekom Plane (Story of the Great Plan). Moscow and Leningrad, State Publishing House, 1930. Translated as New Russia’s Primer: the Story of the Five Year Plan. Cambridge, Mass., Houghton Mifflin, 1931, by George S. Counts and Nucia P. Lodge. Published in Britain as Moscow has a Plan; a Soviet Primer. Jonathan Cape, London, 1931. Reprinted in English as The Story of the Five Year Plan (with 65-page vocabulary for Russian schoolchildren). Moscow, Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR, 1932. See Introduction Note 5 regarding these publications.
Kaganovich, L. M. Socialist Reconstruction of Moscow and Other Cities in the USSR. No translator given. NYC, International Publishers, 1931. Extracts printed in “V.O.K.S.”, III, No. 5–6, May-June 1932, pp. 135–150.
Kampfmeyer, Hans. “Town Planning in Soviet Russia,” Bauen und Wohnen, IV, No. 1–2, 1932, pp. 9–38. Includes a summary of Miliutin’s book.
Kaufman, E. C. “Housing and Territorial Planning in Russia.” Architecture and Building News, CXLIV, Dec. 1935, pp. 382–384.
Khan-Magomedov, S. O. “Ivan Leonidov: 1902–1960.” Arkhitektura SSSR, No. 16, 1964, pp. 103–116.
Khiger, R. Puti arkhitekturnoi mysli 1917–1932. (Ways of architectural thinking 19171932), Moscow, Ogiz-lzogiz, 1933.
——“M. la. Ginzburg.” Sovetskaia Arkhitektura, No. 15, 1963, pp. 117–136.
Kopp, Anatole. Ville et Revolution. Paris, Editions Anthropos, 1967. English translation by Thomas E. Burton, Town and Revolution: Soviet Architecture and City Planning 1917–1935. NYC, Braziller, 1970. Excerpts from Miliutin’s Chap. 6 are included as Appendix 8.
Le Corbusier [Charles Edouard Jeanneret]. La Ville Radieuse. Paris, Editions d’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, 1935. English edition, The Radiant City. NYC, Orion Press, 1967. See Introduction, note 2.
Lissitzky, El. Russland. Die Rekonstruktion der Architektur in der Sowjetunion (Neues Bauen in der Welt, Vol. 1). Vienna, Verlag Anton Schroll, 1930. Reprinted as 1929: Russland: Architektur fur eine Weltrevolution. Berlin, Frankfort, Vienna, Ullstein Bauwelt Fundamente, No. 14 (Ulrich Conrads, ed.), 1965, with extensive appendixes containing documents of the time. English translation by Eric Dluhosch, Russia: An Architecture for World Revolution. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1970.
Lubetkin, Berthold. “Recent Developments of Town Planning in the USSR.” Architectural Review, LXXXI, No. 426, May 1932, pp. 209–214.
——“Town and Landscape Planning in Soviet Russia.” Architectural Association Journal, XLVIII, Jan. 1933, p. 186. Summarized in Journal of the Town Planning Institute, XIX, Feb. 1933, pp. 69–75.
——“Soviet Architecture; Notes on Development from 1917–1932.” Architectural Association Journal, LXXXI, No. 802, May 1956, pp. 260–264; No. 805, Sept.-Oct. 1956, pp. 85–89.
Lunin, B., ed. Goroda sotsializma i sotsialisticheskaia rekonstruktsiia byta (Socialist cities and socialist reconstruction of the mode of living). [Moscow], Rabotnik Prosveshcheniia (The Worker of Enlightenment), 1930. Collection of articles by A. Goltsman, V. Zelenko, N. Krupskaia, A. Lunacharskii, N. Miliutin, L. Sabsovich, A. Epshtein, and others.
Martens, Boris. “Das Problem des sozialistischen Städtebaues.” Die Form (Berlin), No. 5, 15 May 1932, pp. 49–52. Excellent short summary of Miliutin’s text.
Matsa, I. L. Sovetskoe Iskusstvo za 15 Let (Fifteen Years of Soviet Art). Moscow, State Publishing House, 1933.
May, Ernst. “From Frankfurt to the New Russia.” Frankfurter Zeitung, No. 892, 30 Nov. 1930. Reprinted in El Lissitzky, Russia, pp. 175–179.
——“Der Bau der Städte in der UdSSR,” Das Neue Frankfurt, V, No. 7, 1931. This was a famous lecture delivered in connection with CIAM affairs in Berlin on 6 June 1931; May was introduced by the architects Victor Bourgeois, Cornell van Eesteren, and Walter Gropius. A summary appeared in Bauwelt (Berlin), XXII, No. 24, 11 June 1931, pp. 817–818 and was reprinted in La cite (Brussels), IX, No. 11, July 1931, pp. 229–231. The full text was reprinted in Das Neue Russland, Nos. 8/9, 1931, and in Tekhne (Brussels) V, n.s., No. 5, Jan. 1932, pp. 77–84, with illustrations in its companion periodical La cite, X, No. 5, Jan. 1932, pp. 65–78, and has also been reprinted in El Lissitzky, Russia, pp. 188–203.
——“Cities of the Future,” Survey (London), No. 38, 1961, pp. 179–186.
Meyer, Hannes. See Schmidt, Hans, below.
Minervin, G. B., ed. Magnitogorsk. Moscow, State Publishing House of Literature on Construction, Architecture, and Construction Materials, 1961.
Nevins, Allan, and Frank Ernest Hill. Ford, Expansion and Challenge, 1915–1933. N.Y., Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1937, Appendix I, “The Russian Adventures,” (pp. 673–84).
Ostrowski, Waclaw. Contemporary town planning: From the origins to the Athens Charter. Transl. by Krystyna Keplicz. The Hague, International Federation for Housing and Planning. Chap. 9.
Parkins, Maurice Frank. Town Planning in Soviet Russia. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1953. See Introduction, note 6.
Pasternak, A. “U.R.S.S.: les problèmes de I’édifìcation des villes socialistes en U.R.S.S.” Architecture dAujourd’hui, 1931, No. 8, pp. 5–9.
Quilici, Vieri. L’architettura del costruttivismo. Bari, Editori Laterza, 1969. Reprints of documents of the period.
Sabsovich, Leonard Moiseevich, Sotsialisticheskie Goroda (Socialist Cities). Moscow, State Technical Publishing House, 1930.
——SSSR cherez 10 Let (The USSR in Ten Years). Moscow, The Moscow Worker, 1930.
Schapiro, Leonard. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union. NYC, Random House, 1960.
Schmidt, Hans, and Hannes Meyer. Schweizer Staedtebauer bei den Sowjets, Basel, Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei [1932].
Shvidkovsky, Oleg A., ed. Building in the USSR 1917–1932. NYC, Praeger, 1971. This, by a number of Russian authors, is a reprint of a special issue of Architectural Design for Feb. 1970.
Sovetskaia Arkhitektura (Soviet Architecture). Journal issued by the Commissariat of Education (Narkompros), 1931–34. Edited by N. A. Miliutin.
Sovremennaia Arkhitektura (Contemporary Architecture, SA). Journal issued by the Union of Contemporary Architects (OSA). Edited by M. la. Ginzburg and A. Vesnin (1926–1930).
Sprague, Arthur. “Chernikhov and Constructivism,” Survey (London), No. 38, 1961, pp. 69–77.
——“N. A. Miliutin and Linear Planning in the USSR.” Unpublished Master’s Essay in the Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, 1967.
Starr, S. Frederick. “Writings from the 1960s on the Modern Movement in Russia.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XXX, No. 2, May 1971, pp. 170–178.
Sushkevich, I. G. Planirovka i Stroitel’stvo Gorodov SSSR (Planning and Building of Cities of the USSR). Moscow, Publishing House of All-Union Academies, 1939. See Introduction, note 6.
Sutton, Antony C. Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1(1917–1930), II (1930–1945), Stanford University, 1968, 1971.
Svetlov, F., and S. Gornyi. “Sotsialisticheskii gorod v besklassovom obshchestve” (“The socialist city in a society without classes”). Planovoe khoziaistvo, No. 7, 1934. Reprinted in Italian in Ceccarelli, 1970, pp. 168–187.
Tafuri, Manfredo. “Les premieres hypotheses de planification urbaine dans la Russie soviétique 1918–1925.” Archithese (Zurich), No. 7, 1973, pp. 34–41.
——et al. Socialismo, città, architettura URSS 1917–1937; il contributo degli architetti europei (Collana di Architettura, 3). Rome, Officina Edizioni, 1971.
Willen, Paul Larner. “Soviet Architecture in Transformation: a Study in Ideological Manipulation.” Unpublished Master’s Essay in the Department of History, Columbia University, NYC, 1953. A very brief synopsis, hardly useful for our purposes appeared in Problems of Communism, II, No. 6, 1953, pp. 24–33.
Zitte, Kamillo. Gorodskoe stroitel’stvo s tochki zreniia ego khudozhestvennykh printsipov (City Planning according to its Artistic Principles). Edited and with Preface by P. A. Mamatov. Translated from the fifth German edition, by I. I. Vul’fert. Moscow, Printing Office of the Moscow Guberniia [District] Engineer, 1925. See Introduction, note 24.