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Published onApr 22, 2021

    1  Adams, Charles Francis. Familiar Letters of John Adams and His Wife, Abigail Adams, During the Revolution. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1876.

    2  Allen, Lewis Falley. Rural Architecture. New York: Orange Judd, 1852.

Andrews, Edward D. and Faith. Shaker Furniture: The Craftsmanship of an American Communal Sect. 1937. New York: Dover, 1964.

    3  Andrews, Wayne. Architecture, Ambition and Americans. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.

Appelbaum, Stanley. The Chicago World’s Fair of 1893. New York: Dover, 1980.

    4  Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The Book of the Fair, volume I. New York: Bounty, 1894.

    5  Ban ham, Reyner. Theory and Design in the First Machine Age. New York: Praeger, 1967; Cambridge: MIT Press, 1980.

    6  Bathe, Greville and Dorothy. Oliver Evans: A Chronicle of Early American Engineering. Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1935.

Battersby, Martin. The Decorative Twenties. New York: Walker, 1969.

    7  Baxter, Richard. Christian Directory. London, 1678.

    8  Bayer, Herbert, and Gropius, Walter and Ise, editors. Bauhaus. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1938.

    9  Beecher, Catherine E., and Stowe, Harriet Beecher. The American Woman’s Home. New York: J. B. Ford, 1869.

  10  Beecher, Catherine. A Treatise on Domestic Economy. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1849.

Bel Geddes, Norman. See refs. 37 and 140.

Bennett, Charles Alpheus. History of Manual and Industrial Education, 1870–1917. Peoria: Charles A. Bennett Company, 1937.

Berman, Eleanor Davidson. Thomas Jefferson Among the Arts. New York: Philosophical Library, 1947.

  11  Bishop, John Leander. A History of American Manufactures, 1608–1868. New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1967.

  12  Bogardus, James. Cast Iron Buildings, Their Construction and Advantage. New York: J. W. Harrison, 1856.

Bode, Carl. American Life in the 1840s. New York University Press, 1967.

Bok, Edward. The Americanization of Edward Bok. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1923.

Bolles, Albert S. Industrial History of the United States. Norwich: Henry Bill, 1879.

Bridenbaugh, Carl. The Colonial Craftsman. University of Chicago Press, 1966.

Briggs, Asa, editor. William Morris: Selected Writings and Designs. Baltimore: Penguin, 1962.

  13  Buckles, Robert A. Ideas, Inventions and Patents. New York: Wiley, 1957.

Burchard, John, and Bush-Brown, Albert. The Architecture of America. Boston: Little, Brown, 1961.

Bush, Donald J. The Streamlined Decade. New York: George Braziller, 1975.

Butterfield, Roger. The American Past. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966.

Byrn, Edward W. The Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Munn, 1900.

  14  Calkins, Earnest Elmo. And Hearing Not. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1946.

  15  Carlyle, Thomas. “Sign of the Times,” in Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Boston: Dana Estes, 1869.

  16  Carpinael, William. Registration of Design. London: Alexander McIntosh, 1851.

  17  Carter, Clarence E., editor. The Correspondence of General Thomas Gage. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1933.

  18  Cathers, David M. Furniture of the American Arts and Crafts Movement. New York: New American Library, 1981.

  19  Cheney, Sheldon and Martha. Art and the Machine. New York: Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill, 1936.

  20  Chevalier, Michel. Society, Manners and Politics in the United States. Boston: Weeks, Jordan, 1839.

Cigrand, B. J. Story of the Great Seal of the United States. Chicago: Cameron, Amberg, 1903.

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Clark, Robert Judson. The Arts & Crafts Movement in America, 1876–1916. Princeton University Press, 1972.

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Clarke, Hermann Frederick. John Coney Cambridge: Houghton Mifflin/Riverside Press, 1932.

  21  Coles, William A. Architecture and Society, Selected Essays of Henry van Brunt Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1969.

Condit, Carl W. American Building Art: The Nineteenth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1960.

  22  Cooper, James Fenimore. Notions of the Americans: picked up by a Traveling Bachelor. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Carey, 1828.

  23  Coxe, Tench. An Enquiry into the Principles on Which a Commercial System for the United States Should be Founded (Commercial Pamphlet Volume 3, Number 6). Philadelphia: Library of Congress, 1787.

Coxe, Tench. A View of the United States of America in a Series of Papers Written at Various Times in the Years Between 1787 and 1794. New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1965.

  24  Craig, Lois. The Federal Presence. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1978.

  25  Crevecoeur, Michel-Guillaume Jean de. Letters from an American Farmer. London, 1792; New York: Dutton, 1957.

  26  Davidson, Marshall. Life in America, volume I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951.

Davy, John, editor. The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy. London: Smith, Elder, 1839–40.

de Tocqueville, Alexis. See ref. 86.

De Zurko, Edward Robert. Origins of Functionalist Theory. New York: Columbia University Press, 1957.

  27  Dreyfuss, Henry. Designing for People. New York: Paragraphic, 1967.

  28  Dunlap, William. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. New York: Scott, 1834.

  29  Eastlake, Charles L. Hints on Household Taste in Furniture, Upholstery and Other Details. New York: Dover, 1969 (reprint).

  30  Edwards, J. E. A Complete History or Survey of all the Dispensation and Methods of Religion. London, 1694.

Emmet, Boris, and Jeuck, John E. Catalogues and Counters. University of Chicago Press, 1950.

Fales, Martha Gandy. Early American Silver for the Cautious Collector. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1970.

  31  Fiske, John. The Beginnings of New England. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1902.

  32  Foner, Philip S. Basic Writings of Thomas Jefferson. New York: Wiley, 1944.

  33  Ford, Henry. My Life and Work. New York: Doubleday, 1922.

  34  Ford, Paul Leicester, editor. Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia. New York: Putnam, 1892.

  35  Frankl, Paul. Form and Re-Form. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1930.

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  36  Franklin, William Temple, editor. Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, volume II. London: Henry Colburn, 1833.

Gayle, Margot, and Gillon, Edmund V., Jr. Cast-Iron Architecture in New York. New York: Dover, 1974.

  37  Bel Geddes, Norman. Horizons. Boston: Little, Brown, 1932.

Giedion, Siegfried. Mechanization Takes Command. New York: Oxford, 1948.

  38  Gloag, John. A Social History of Furniture Design. London: Cassel, 1966.

  39  Greeley, Horace. Art and Industry as represented in the Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York, 1853–4. New York: Redfield, 1853.

  40  Greenough, Horatio. Form and Function. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1947.

  41  Greenough, Horatio. The Travels, Observations and Experiences of a Yankee Stonecutter. Gainsville: Scholar’s Facsimiles and Reprints, 1958.

  42  Griffiths, John W. Treatise on Marine and Naval Architecture. London: George Philips and Son, 1856.

  43  Harper, Robert. Jo Sinel, Father of American Design (tape transcript). Meyer Library, California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, 1972.

Hawkins, Layton S. Development of Vocational Education. Chicago: American Technical Society, 1951.

  44  Hobson, Charles F., and Rutland, Robert. The Papers of James Madison. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1981.

  45  Hornung, Clarence P. Treasury of American Design. New York: Abrams, 1950.

Hornung, Clarence P. Wheels Across America. New York: Barnes, 1959.

  46  Hutcheson, Harold. Tench Coxe: A Study in American Economic Development. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1938.

  47  Israel, Fred L., editor. The State of the Union Messages of the Presidents. New York: Chelsea House, Robert Hector, 1966.

  48  Jarves, James Jackson. The Art-ldea (1864). Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1960.

  49  Jarves, James Jackson. Art Thoughts. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1869.

  50  Jeremy, David L. Transatlantic Industrial Revolution: The Diffusion of Textile Technologies Between Britain and America, 1790–1830s. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981.

  51  Jefferson, Thomas. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. (Julian P. Boyd, editor.) Princeton University Press, 1953.

  52  Jefferson, Thomas. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson. (H. Washington, editor.) Washington: Taylor and Maury, 1853.

Johnson, Philip. Machine Art. New York: Museum of Modern Art/Norton, 1934.

Kasson, John F. Civilizing the Machine. New York: Penguin, 1977.

  53  Keppel, Frederick P., with Duffus, R. L. The Arts in American Life. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1933.

Kimball, Sidney Fiske. Mr. Samuel Mclntire Carver, the Architect of Salem. Portland: South-worth Anthaensen Press for Essex Institute of Salem, Massachusetts, 1940.

  54  Klemm, Friedrich. A History of Western Technology. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1964.

Kouwenhoven, John A. Adventures of America, 1857–1900. New York: Harper, 1938.

  55  Kouwenhoven, John Atlee. Made in America. New York: Doubleday, 1948.

Krause, Joseph H. The Modern Design Concept: Origin and Development. University of Southern California, 1963.

  56  Labaree, Leonard Woods. The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, volume 2. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960.

  57  Laslett, Peter. John Locke, Two Treatises of Government. Cambridge University Press, 1967.

  58  Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, papers of (microtext for Maryland Historical Society). Baltimore: J. White, 1976.

Lea, Zilla Rider. The Ornamental Chair: Its Development in America. Rutland: Tuttle, 1960.

  59  Leslie, Frank. Illustrated Historical Register of the Centennial Exposition, 1876. New York: Paddington, 1974.

Lifshey, Earl. The Housewares Story. Chicago: National Housewares Manufacturers Association, 1973.

  60  Loewy, Raymond. Never Leave Well Enough Alone. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1951.

Lynes, Russell. The Domesticated Americans. New York: Harper and Row, 1963.

  61  Lynes, Russell. The Taste Makers. New York: Harper, 1954.

MacCarthy, Fiona. All Things Bright and Beautiful. University of Toronto Press, 1972.

Mackay, James. Turn-of-the-Century Antiques: An Encyclopedia. New York: Dutton, 1974.

  62  Malone, Dumes, editor. Correspondence between Thomas Jefferson and Pierre Samuel du Pont |de Nemours, 1798–1817. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930.

  63  Marx, Leo. The Machine in the Garden. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967.

  64  Metropolitan Museum of Art. 19th-Century America: Furniture and Other Decorative Arts. New York: New York Graphic Society, 1970.

Metzger, Charles. Emerson and Greenough: Transcendental Pioneers of an American Aesthetic. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1954.

  65  Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo. Vision in Motion. Chicago: P. Theobald, 1947.

  66  Morris, William. Signs of Change. London: Longmans, Greene, 1903.

  67  Mowry, George, editor. The Twenties: Fords, Flappers and Fanatics. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1963.

Mumford, Lewis. Art and Technics. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952.

  68  Mumford, Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1938.

Mumford, Lewis, editor. Roots of Contemporary American Architecture. New York: Dover, 1972.

  69  Munz, Ludwig, and Kunstler, Gustav. Adolf Loos, Pioneer of Modern Architecture. New York: Praeger, 1966.

Naylor, Gillian. The Bauhaus. London: Studio Vista, 1968.

Nevins, Allan, and Hill, Frank Ernest. Ford: Expansion and Challenge: 1915–1933. New York: Scribner, 1956.

  70  Noyes, Eliot. Organic Design in Home Furnishings. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1941.

Otto, Celia Jackson. American Furniture of the 19th Century. New York: Viking, 1965.

  71  Phillips, John Marshall. American Silver. New York: Chanticleer, 1949.

  72  Preble, George Henry. Origins and History of the American Flag. Philadelphia: Brown, 1917.

Reed, Robert. The Streamline Era. San Marino: Golden West, 1975.

  73  Report of Commission to International Exposition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Art in Paris, 1925. Washington: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1925.

  74  Richards, Charles R. Art in Industry. New York: National Society for Vocational Education and Department of Education of the State of New York, 1922.

Rodest, Howard B. Toward Common Ground: The Story of Ethical Societies in the United States. New York: Unger, 1969.

  75  Rodgers, Charles T. American Superiority at the World’s Fair. Philadelphia: Hawkins, 1852.

Roe, Joseph W. English and American Tool Builders. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1916.

  76  Rosenberg, Nathan. The American System of Manufacturing. Edinburgh University Press, 1969.

  77  Rourke, Constance Mayfield. The Roots of American Culture and Other Essays. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942.

Rowsome, Frank Jr. Trolley Car Treasury. New York: Bonanza, 1956.

  78  Schaefer, Herwin. Nineteenth Century Modern: The Functional Tradition in Victorian Design. New York: Praeger, 1970.

  79  Schmutzler, Robert. Art Nouveau. New York: Abrams, 1962.

  80  Siegfried, Robert. Humphrey Davy on Geology: The 1805 Lectures for the General Audience. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1980.

Sloane, Eric. A Museum of Early American Tools. New York: Wilfred Funk, 1964.

  81  Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Natures and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1778). New York: Modern Library/Random House, 1937.

Smith, Henry Nash, editor. Popular Culture and Industrialism. New York University Press, 1967.

Smith, Walter. Art Education. Boston: Osgood, 1872.

  82  Smith, Walter. The Masterpieces of the Centennial International Èxhibition, volume II. Philadelphia: Gebbie and Barrie, 1876.

The Story of the United States Patent Office, 1790–1956. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1956.

Streichler, Jerry. The Consultant Industrial Designer in American Industry from 1927–1960. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1963.

  83  Sullivan, Louis H. The Autobiography of an Idea. New York: Dover, 1956.

  84  Taussig, F. W. State Papers and Speeches on the Tariffs. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1893.

Teague, Walter Dorwin. Design this Day. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940.

  85  Thorn, C. Jordon. The Handbook of American Silver and Pewter Marks. New York: Tudor, 1949.

  86  Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. New York: Schocken, 1961.

  87  Toynbee, Arnold. The Industrial Revolution (1884). Boston: Beacon, 1960.

True, Webster Prentiss. The Smithsonian: America’s Treasure House. New York: Sheridan House, 1950.

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Veronesi, Julia. Style and Design 1909–1929. New York: George Braziller, 1968.

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  88  Washington, H. A., editor. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Washington: Taylor and Maury, 1853.

  89  Watkinson, Ray. William Morris as Designer. New York: Reinhold, 1967.

  90  Willcocks, Lewis. Report on a Plan for Extending and More Perfectly Establishing the Mechanical and Scientific Institutions of New York. New York: Daniel Fanshaw, 1824.

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Wright, Louis B., et al. The Arts in America: The Colonial Period. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1966.

Wright, Sidney C. The Story of the Franklin Institute. Philadelphia: Franklin Institute, 1938.

  91  Wright, Frank Lloyd. An Autobiography. New York: Horizon, 1977.

  92  American Magazine of Art, June 1918. “Resolutions Adopted by the American Federation of Arts in Convention.”

  93  Architectural Forum, May 1934. ‘Art and Machines.”

  94  Architectural Forum, December 1934. “Contemporary Quinquennial.”

  95  Architectural Forum, August 1940.

  96  Architectural Forum, October 1940. “Design Decade.”

Arts and Decoration (refs. 97–113)

  97  Purdy, Frank. “Some Facts about Industrial Art.” May 1920.

  98  Purdy, Frank. “Art in American Industry.” August 1920.

  99  “Forecast of November Automobile Salon.” November 1920.

100  Purdy, Frank. “The Taste of the American People.” November 1920.

101  Purdy, Frank. “The New Museum.” December 1920.

102  Purdy, Frank. “America Needs Co-operation in Industrial Art.” January 1921.

103  Bach, Richard F. “A Note of Progress in Industrial Art.” February 1921.

104  “Poiret, Interpreter of His Own Age.” March 1921.

105  Levy, Florence. “The Hope of the World in Art.” May 1921.

106  Price, Matlack. “The Hand of the Designer in Advertising Art.” July 1921.

107  Price, Matlack. “Practicality, Imagination and the Designer.” July 1921.

108  Haraucourt, Edmond. “A Salon of French Taste.” December 1921.

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111  McCann, E. Armitage. “A Significant Showing of Industrial Art.” October 1923.

112  “Fine Exhibition of Beautiful Interiors.” November 1924.

113  “Beautiful Antique and Modern Home Furnishings.” February 1925.

114  Atlantic Monthly, November 1872. “Walter Smith’s Art Education.”

115  Bach, Richard. “Production Calls Art and Color to its Aid.” Manufacturing Industries, December 1928.

116  Boston Evening Post, January 18, 1773.

117  Brooker, Bertram R. “Beauty’s Place in Business.” Printer’s Ink, April 5, 1928.

118  Business Week, January 29, 1930. “The Eyes Have It.”

119  Business Week, October 28, 1931. “1931 Industrial Art Show Eliminates Curlicues of 1925.”

120  Calkins, Ernest Elmo. “Advertising Art in the United States.” Modern Publicity, 1930, volume 7.

121  Calkins, Ernest Elmo. “Beauty, the New Business Tool.” Atlantic Monthly, August 1927.

122  Columbian Magazine, September 1786.

123  Commager, Henry Steele. “The Search for a Usable Past.” American Heritage, February 1965.

124  Cortissoz, Royal. “A Contemporary Movement in American Design.” Scribner’s Magazine, May 1929.

125  The Craftsman, October 1901.

126  Dreyfuss, Henry. “Everyday Beauty.” House Beautiful, November 1933.

127  Fitch, James Marston. “When Housekeeping Became a Science.” American Heritage, August 1961.

128  Forbes, April 1, 1934. “Best Dressed Products Sell Best.”

129  Fortune, February 1934. “Both Fish and Fowl.”

The Franklin Journal and American Mechanics Magazine (refs. 130–132)

130  January 1826.

131  February 1826.

132  September 1826.

The Journal of the Franklin Institute (refs. 133–138)

133  June 1829.

134  August 1838.

135  January 1840.

136  April 1842.

137  November 1842.

138  January 1844.

139  Freund, F. E. Washburn. “The Lesson of German Applied Art.” International Studio, July 1922.

140  Bel Geddes, Norman. “Ten Years from Now.” Ladies’ Home Journal, January 1931.

Harper’s Monthly Magazine (refs. 141–143)

141  Knight, Edward H. “The First Century of the Republic.” February 1875.

142  Wells, David A. “The First Century of the Republic.” April 1875.

143  “Fret-sawing and Wood-Carving.” March 1878.

144  Advertisement in House and Garden, November 1933.

Jensen, Oliver. “Farewell to Steam.” American Heritage, December 1957.

145  Journal of the Design and Industries Association, number 11, Summer 1919.

146  Kaufmann, Edgar. “Borax, the Chromium-Plated Calf.” Architectural Review, August 1948.

147  Kaufman, Edgar. “Viewpoints.” Interiors, September 1972.

148  Kurtzworth, H. M. “Industrial Art, A National Asset.” Industrial Education Circular number 3, May 1919.

149  Literary Digest, April 26, 1924. “Machine-Made Beauty.”

150  London Times, September 2, 1851.

151  Ludlow, Fitz Hugh. “The American Metropolis.” Atlantic Monthly, January 1865.

152  Lyon, Peter. “Isaac Singer and his Wonderful Sewing Machine.” American Heritage, October 1958.

153  The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, December 1930.

154  The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, October 1931.

155  Mumford, Lewis. “American Taste.” Harper’s Monthly, October 1927.

156  Mumford, Lewis. “Beauty and the Industrial Beast.” New Republic, June 6, 1923.

157  Mumford, Lewis. “Machinery and the Modern Style.” New Republic, August 31, 1921.

158  Mumford, Lewis. “Machines for Living.” Fortune, February 1933.

159  Nelson, George. Design, November 1949.

New York Times (refs. 160–191)

160  February 4, 1900, 23:2.

161  April 28, 1900, 8:3.

162  July 29, 1900, 16:3.

163  September 18, 1900, 11:6.

164  June 8, 1902, 8:1.

165  November 8, 1903, 6:4.

166  January 21, 1904, 8:4.

167  May 12, 1913, 8:7.

168  September 21, 1913, VII 16:4.

169  January 4, 1914, VII 9:3.

170  January 11, 1914, II 10:5.

171  August 16, 1914, VI 8:3.

172  June 10, 1917, VI 14:1.

173  February 14, 1918, 10:7.

174  June 2, 1918, VII 15:3.

175  June 9, 1918, VI 14:1.

176  December 22, 1918, IV 8:2.

177  February 11, 1919, 10:7.

178  October 26, 1919, IV 10:2.

179  January 11, 1920, IX 3:4.

180  April 18, 1920, VII 4:1.

181  May 9, 1920, VI 9:1.

182  October 31, 1920, III 20:1.

183  January 2, 1921, III 20:3.

184  October 2, 1921, III 20:1.

185  February 26, 1922, II, p. 4.

186  April 16, 1922, VII 8:4.

187  January 31, 1926, IV 2:2.

188  January 6, 1929, VIII 4:5.

189  January 27, 1929, IX 4:5.

190  October 14, 1931, 24:4.

191  April 16, 1935, 23:1.

192  “Effects of Machinery.” North American Review, January 1832.

193  Olsen, Alma Louise. “Modern Swedish Decorative Art.” Art and Archaeology, February 1927.

194  Richards, Charles. “Design for the Craftsman and Design for the Machine.” House Beautiful, August 1931.

195  Richards, Charles. “The Third International Exhibition of Industrial Art.” American Magazine of Art, November 1930.

196  Sargent, Walter. “The Training of Designers.” American Magazine of Art, September 1918.

197  Seitlin, Percy. PM Magazine, August–September 1938.

Seldes, Gilbert. “Artist in a Factory.” New Yorker, August 29, 1931.

198  Shidle, N. “Beauty Doctors Take a Hand in Automotive Design.” Automotive Industry, August 13, 1927.

199  Solon, Leon V. “The Fostering of American Industrial Art by the Metropolitan Museum.” Architectural Record, February 1927.

200  Tiffany, Louis C. “The Gospel of Good Taste.” Country Life in America, November (mid-month) 1910.

201  Walker, Timothy. “Defense of Mechanical Philosophy.” North American Review, July 1831.

202  Wells, Arnold. “Father of our Factory System.” American Heritage, April 1958.

Whitridge, Arnold. “Eli Whitney: Nemesis of the South.” American Heritage, April 1955.

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204  Bach, Richard. “The Architect and the Industrial Arts—An Exhibition of Contemporary American Design” (catalog). Metropolitan Museum of Art, February 1929.

205  Blake, William P. “Sketch of the Life of Eli Whitney, the Inventor of the Cotton Gin.” New Haven Colony Historical Papers, November 28, 1887.

206  Chapman, Dave. Letter to author, July 29, 1963.

207  Davis, Gage. Letter to author, September 9, 1965.

208  Encyclopedia of World Art, 1968, s.v. “Industrial Design,” volume 8, column 100 (author: Gillo Dorfles).

209  Encyclopedia Americana, 1956, volume 12.

210  Encyclopedia Americana, 1957, volume 29.

211  General Management Series Number 99. American Management Association, 1929.

212  Gropius, Walter. Lecture to Birmingham Design and Industry Association, March 15, 1935.

213  Guild, Lurelle. Letter to author, July 9, 1963.

214  Hoover Institute Archives, Box 7 (New York City, September 2, 1925). Stanford University.

215  Kimball, Abbott. “Dollar and Cents Value of Beauty” (pamphlet). New York: Industrial Institute of the Art Center, 1930s.

216  “Selected Collection of Objects from the International Exposition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Art” (catalogue of exhibit). American Association of Museums, 1925.

217  Chapman, Dave. Letter to author, July 29, 1963.

218  Sandin, Ray. Letter to author, June 1963.

219  Vassos, John. Letter to author, July 26, 1976.

220  Wright, Russel. Interview by author.

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Exploring the dynamic realm of artificial intelligence (AI) can be a challenging endeavor due to the constant evolution and innovation in AI applications. Whether you’re a developer, a business owner, or simply passionate about AI, finding the right tools and applications tailored to your needs is crucial. Enter

Introducing stands as an online hub dedicated to curating and showcasing the finest AI applications available today. As AI technology continues to progress rapidly across various industries such as healthcare, finance, entertainment, and customer service, pinpointing the ideal AI app for specific tasks can pose a challenge. tackles this issue by offering a well-organized space where users can effortlessly search, discover, and evaluate AI applications, whether free or paid.

Whether you’re in need of a tool for automating routine tasks, enhancing data analysis, or delving into deep learning models, has got you covered. The platform boasts a user-friendly interface that simplifies navigation through a vast selection of apps. Its unique categorization of AI tools into key areas like AI for business, AI for creative professionals, and AI for developers ensures that users can pinpoint the most suitable applications for their specific requirements.

Reasons to Utilize

1. Comprehensive Exploration of AI Apps

With the market flooded with numerous AI tools and applications, identifying the truly beneficial ones can be overwhelming. acts as a filter, presenting only the most effective and highly-rated AI apps. Whether you’re in search of AI-powered writing aids, image recognition tools, or automation solutions, the platform curates an extensive list of applications to cater to a variety of needs.

One of the standout features of is its tool categorization, enabling users to filter results based on preferences such as free vs. paid apps, specific use cases, or user ratings. This simplifies the process of finding the right AI app without the need for trial-and-error or extensive scouring of websites.

2. Diverse Range of AI Applications

Irrespective of your area of interest in AI, offers a plethora of apps to meet a wide range of needs. The platform showcases key categories of AI applications, including:

3. AI for Content Creation:

Writers, marketers, and creatives can leverage AI tools for generating text, designing visuals, and video editing. With AI-driven content generators, crafting high-quality blog posts, social media updates, and other written content] is now more efficient. Apps like Jasper,, and Writesonic enhance writing productivity and creativity.

4. AI for Business: 

Entrepreneurs and business owners can access AI solutions for automating customer service, enhancing marketing strategies, and streamlining operations]. Chatbots, predictive analytics, and AI-driven customer support platforms are crucial for modern businesses, and offers a multitude of options.

5. AI for Developers: 

Developers seeking tools to accelerate coding, debugging, and software testing can find AI-powered solutions tailored to their needs. The platform features a wide array of development tools, including AI for code completion, performance optimization, and bug detection.

6. AI for Data Analysis: 

Professionals working with large datasets can benefit from powerful AI tools for data mining, statistical analysis, and predictive modeling. Machine learning algorithms and data visualization tools aid in extracting valuable insights from complex data.

7. AI for Image and Video Processing: 

AI tools focusing on computer vision are increasingly vital in sectors like security, healthcare, and entertainment. simplifies the exploration of tools for AI automating image recognition, video editing, and facial recognition.

8. Free and Paid Options: presents both free and paid AI apps, providing users with flexibility based on their budget and requirements. Many of the free tools available are robust, enabling individuals and small businesses to access high-quality AI solutions without hefty costs. For users with advanced needs, the platform showcases premium tools offering enhanced features and customization.

The inclusion of free apps proves particularly advantageous for individuals entering the realm of AI technology. Whether you’re a student exploring AI or a small business seeking to optimize processes on a limited budget, you can access potent tools without significant upfront investment. Premium applications, on the other hand, offer advanced functionality to elevate your AI projects.

9. Thorough Reviews and Ratings:

Assessing the effectiveness of AI applications can be challenging during browsing. addresses this issue by providing comprehensive reviews and ratings for each AI app listed on the platform. These reviews are based on user feedback and expert assessments, aiding in making informed decisions about the worthiness of tools.

Each app listing on includes detailed descriptions, screenshots, pricing details, and user ratings. Users can easily gauge the app’s ratings, preferred features, and updates or enhancements. This transparency facilitates making educated decisions when selecting the appropriate AI solution.

10. Keeping Abreast of Latest AI Trends:

The pace of advancement in AI technology is rapid, with new tools, updates, and breakthroughs introduced regularly. ensures users are updated on the latest trends and advancements in the AI domain. The platform offers news and updates on the newest apps, emerging AI trends, and innovations, ensuring users are informed about cutting-edge solutions.

Whether you seek the latest generative AI tools or advancements in machine learning, keeps you abreast of the AI revolution.

11. Community and Assistance:

The field of AI can be intricate and demanding to navigate, but fosters a supportive community of users and developers. The platform encourages interaction, allowing users to ask questions, share insights, and discuss experiences with various AI tools. This collaborative setting ensures users receive the necessary help while exploring AI applications.

Moreover, offers support for individuals new to AI or seeking guidance on implementing specific AI tools in their projects. Whether through FAQs, tutorials, or community forums, users can easily access resources to commence or troubleshoot any challenges faced.

12. Enhancing Your AI Experience with

By providing a plethora of resources, a user-friendly interface, and a meticulously curated selection of both free and paid AI applications, significantly enhances your journey in AI. Whether you aim to automate tasks, streamline workflows, or harness AI for innovation, serves as a one-stop platform for discovering the right tools and maximizing AI technology.


In a world increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence, the selection of the right AI apps can be pivotal in staying ahead of the curve. offers a robust platform where users can effortlessly discover, evaluate, and access AI tools tailored to their needs. From comprehensive app categories and detailed reviews to free and paid options, emerges as the ultimate destination for individuals looking to leverage the potential of AI.

If you aspire to unlock the full capabilities of AI, is your go-to destination.

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