Gentlemen emigrating to the New Settlement, Swan River, on the Western Coast of Australia, will find a great advantage in having a comfortable Dwelling that can be erected in a few hours after landing, with windows, glazed doors, and locks, bolts, and the whole painted in a good and secure manner, carefully packed and delivered at the Docks, consisting of two, three, four or more roomed Houses, made to any plan that may be proposed . . . .
John Manning, manufacturer of the Portable Colonial Cottage, advertising pamphlet, c. 1830
Your General Panel Home offers solid comfort, modern beauty, convenient livability. Here is a home far advanced in design . . . . The structural elements of your General Panel Home are made in a huge factory with modern machines and special jigs and fixtures for precision structure. . . . Your General Panel Home can be built wherever you choose, and the time required at the building site to complete it is seldom more than two or three weeks. . . .
General Panel Corporation, manufacturer of the Packaged House, advertising pamphlet, c. 1946